
It is hard to describe theoretical syntax that why we start from middle, but on examples everything will be clear.


First operator is assignent which assing value to variable. Below some examples with comments

a = 1;                 //assign integer '1' to variable 'a' 
b = 2.0;               //assing float point value to variable 'b'
name = "John Lenon";   //assign string 'John Lenon' to variable 'name'
birthday = 1980.12.01; //assing date 1st dec 1980 to variable 'birthday'


Another basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for numeric variables with simple examples below.

c = a + 2;  //addition
d = 1 - 3;  //substraction
e = d / c;  //division
f = e * 1;  //multiplication

There is also one arithmetic operator (+) for string types to make string operation simpler. Below example.

firstname = "John";  
lastname = "Lenon";
hello = "Hello " + firstname + " " + lastname;
//value of hello string is 'Hello John Lenon'

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operations like AND, OR can be use only with logical types. Below basic operation examples

a = false;
b = a    AND true;   // b => false
c = true AND true;   // c => true;
d = a    OR  true;   // d => true;
e = true AND true;   // e => true;

Comparison Operators

Comparition operators =, != can be used on any variables, but >, >=, <, <= should be use only with numeric variables as others are unable to compare like in line 7

a = 1 = 2;             // a => false
b = 1 != 2;            // b => true
c = 2 < 2;             // c => false
d = 2 <= 2;            // d => true
e = 3 > 1;             // e => true
f = "John" != "john";  // f => true
g = "John" > "john";   // f => don't know.

Incrementing/Decrementing Operators

There are also two special operators for incrementing (++) or decrementing (--) values. Of course, you can use is only with numeric values

a = 1;
a++;            // a is equal 2 now
a--;            // a is equal 1 again